However, we learned back in May that European porn makers had gotten there first with Kama-Sutra, a movie that was filmed in honest-to-goodness 3D, as opposed to post-processed to include the effect (it's therefore more like Avatar than Alice in Wonderland or Clash of the Titans).
Not to be outdone, the Hong Kong producers are beating the drum again and claiming that their production will not only be 3D, it will also be the first 3D porn film done in Imax. I have trouble believing this, given the higher expense of filming in the bigger format. Consider that the only directors who can afford to film in Imax are the likes of Christopher Nolan, who can pretty much offset the higher costs through the massive returns the non-Imax version of their films are guaranteed to bring in.
A porn film in Imax, on the other hand, would be shown on very few Imax screens - if any at all - which is why I'm inclined to think this news is of the poppycock variety.
In any event, any claims of creating the world's first 3D porn movie by filmmakers today is wrong. Not only have producers such as Pink Visual been creating stereoscopic porn since last year, there were also plenty of films produced in the seventies during the previous wave of 3D movies.
Perhaps the most disturbing news to come out of the 3D porn camp, however, is word that director Tinto Brass is doing a 3D remake of his 1979 film Caligula. Great Caesar's ghost, as if that movie wasn't horrific enough!
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