Only about a month and a half till Sex, Bombs and Burgers is available in the U.K, although you can pre-order it on Amazon. Alas, it's still another year before the U.S. launch but fret not Americans - I'll make it worth your while (cough, extra content, cough).
And since I'm doing shameless plugs, the Pushing Buttons series continues over on My contribution today takes a look at how video game studios transform the communities they spring up in. Interestingly, I was at the Ubisoft Toronto grand opening party the other night and noticed that right across the street from the brand new studio - which, let's face it, is in a pretty crappy part of town - is the future site of a high-end condo development. If you read the story, you'll know what I'm talking about.
The Pushing Button series has tons of good stuff in it - it's a lot to take in, and I'm only just getting through it myself. One other story I'd point out is one by Richard Poplak, who's a fellow Penguin author - his latest book, , is fantastic and I highly recommend it (it's about American pop culture in the Middle East). In his story, Richard writes about how teens in the Middle East are just as addicted to video games as we North Americans.
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